June 23, 2010 1250-1530
We drove over from Harlech to Llyn Cwm Bychan, a lake on the west side of the Rhinog mountains about 3 miles east of Harlech.
It was a challenging drive on steep narrow lanes with stone walls on either side. We paid £5 to park in a sheep pasture
at the head of the lake then hiked up the trail to the Roman Steps, a series of ancient (though perhaps not Roman) steps leading
up to a narrow pass through the mountains. I lingered behind to identify birds in a beautiful open oak-birch woods
along the trail, then ran to catch up to the boys at the pass. We scrambled up onto the ridge to the right of
the pass, then found a way back down a few hundred yards back down the trail. Here's
the route we hiked.
I saw or heard 15 species altogether.