Wildcat river

Doublehead hardwoods
During a visit with my parents in Jackson for the week of May 30 through June 30, 2009 I managed to find
some time to get out in the nearby woods birdwatching and attempting to photograph birds with my 70-300mm
zoom lens. Thanks to a trip back east a couple of years ago, I remembered most of the songs so was able to
identify most of the birds I saw and heard. I spent a total of more than 30 hours in the woods, distributed
over 7 outings - 3 around our property, 2 up on Black Mountain behind Overlook, a hike up Doublehead and
a longer loop hike up the Glen Boulder trail and down Boott Spur on Mt Washington. Though showers were
forecast for most of the week the weather turned out to be sunny and bright most of the time, good for
taking pictures in the woods with my relatively slow lens. I know the photos aren't great but they do perhaps
convey a more accurate impression of the actual glimpses of the birds that you get in the field than more
professional images do.
Altogether I saw or heard a total of 76 species.