From Plaza de los Tristes I hiked up the road on the south side of the river to the steep waytrail
which ascends to the right of the aqueduct control station (which is just right of center in the
photo on the left
above), then continued up into the woods to a trail along another aqueduct. I followed that a short
distance to the right, into a stream gully where it met up with the main trail up the south side of
the Rio Darro valley. I took that trail farther upstream than I've gone before, perhaps two miles,
until it dropped down into the dense reeds and brush of the river floodplain, not far above where
the Periurbano trail descends from the ridge way back behind the Alhambra.
25 species identified between 0745 and 0930.
Common Kestrel 1
Red-legged Partridge 2 Probable, but id not definite. Could have been Gray or Chukar hybrid.
Rock Dove 26
Woodpigeon 2
Common Swift 40
Barn Swallow 2
Wren(?) 4 Song like cross between Savannah Sparrow and House Wren, fairly high and thin with clear notes and trills.
Stonechat 5
Blackbird 15
Cetti's Warbler 1
Sardinian Warbler 2
Blackcap 8
Firecrest 1 Song a rapid, very high "sisiseeseeseeseeseeseeseesreesreet"
Blue Tit 7
Great Tit 5
Golden Oriole 5 Small group flying from tree to tree in broadleaf woodland below the Alhambra.
Spotless Starling 3
Jay 1
Magpie 1
House Sparrow 42
Chaffinch 1
Serin 16 Call high "chitittttt"
Greenfinch 2 Calls "dzheeee" and "tititi"
Goldfinch 3
Rock Bunting 6

Stonechat adult

Stonechat juvenile

Stonechat juvenile