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Christmas poem for Alice by John Pepper, December 25, 1994 (lightly edited)
The garden is her favorite place.
With nature's help she'll find
the perfect plant for every space
and blooms of every kind.
From early spring 'til late in fall
if Alice you would seek,
just raise your voice and loudly call;
you needn't even shriek.
For chances are you'll find her there
amongst her favorite blooms,
behaving as she had no care
unless it is in June,
when black flies could just make her flee
behind the window screens,
or when in Maine we take to sea
when she does miss her greens.
But hiking last year we did see
what gardens just could need,
but asking for them never she
would say she had to have indeed.
Then with the help of Winterthur
her loving husband found
these trellises not miniature
so friends she'll now astound
with even better landscape pure
around her newfound lawn.
Both plants and trees have such allure
enjoyed from dawn to dawn.
We seldom tell her how we love
to day by day enjoy
the help she gives to sun above,
the efforts she'll employ
to give to those who do pass by.
So here we do now thank
our Alice - Praise her to the sky
all gardeners she outranks.

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