2023 Q3 Journal  1 / 159
Willow Flycatcher, Julia Butler Hansen NWR (20230701)
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Alcyon Farm driveway, Skamokawa (20230701)
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Hermit Warbler, Skamokawa (20230701)
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Hermit Warbler, Skamokawa (20230701)
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Hermit Warbler, Skamokawa (20230701)
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Hermit Warbler, Skamokawa (20230701)
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At the Shelton Inn (20230702)
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Black-throated Gray Warbler, Skokomish River Valley (20230702)
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Townsend's Warbler, Skokomish River Valley (20230702)
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Lorquin's Admiral from above, Ravenna, Seattle (20230702)
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Lorquin's Admiral from below, Ravenna, Seattle (20230702)
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The Farmer room at the Black Bear (20230706)
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Willows and Meadows along Teel Hill Road (20230707)
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Yellow Warbler, Harker Canyon (20230707)
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Yellow-rumped Warbler, Harker Canyon (20230707)
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Davenport Motel (20230707)
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On the Keller ferry to Ferry County (20230708)
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Ferry County shrub-steppe habitat (20230708)
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Sanpoil River at Bridge Creek (20230708)
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Willow Flycatcher, Sanpoil River Valley (20230708)
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Red-eyed Vireo, Sanpoil River Valley (20230708)
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Twin Lakes (20230708)
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Cooper's Hawk, Republic STP (20230708)
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Ducks, Republic STP (20230708)
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Female Spruce Grouse, Albion Hill Road (20230708)
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Purple Aster, Albion Hill Road (20230708)
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Snowshoe Hare, Albion Hill Road (20230708)
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Spruce Grouse chick (20230708)
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American Redstart, Amazon Creek marsh (20230709)
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American Redstart, Amazon Creek marsh (20230709)
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Northern Waterthrush, Amazon Creek marsh (20230709)
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Red-tailed Hawk, Amazon Creek marsh (20230709)
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Warbling Vireo, Amazon Creek marsh (20230709)
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Hairy Woodpecker, Gifford Campground (20230709)
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Black-headed Grosbeak, Gifford Campground (20230709)
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Western Bluebird, Hwy 25 (20230709)
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Raccoon guarding the back door (20230713)
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Our last counties: Franklin, Columbia and Garfield (20230713)
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Columbia County Great-horned Owl (on post) (20230714)
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Our room at the Weinhard Hotel (20230714)
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Swainson's Hawk along Hwy 12, Garfield County (20230714)
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Riparian habitat along Pataha Creek, Garfield County (20230714)
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Lewis and Clark Trail State Park (20230715)
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Yellow Warbler, Lewis and Clark Trail SP (20230715)
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Franklin County Lark Sparrow, Hwy 261 (20230715)
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Tufted Puffin, Smith Island (20230719)
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Horned Puffin, Smith Island (20230719)
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Gulls and alcids off north end of Smith Island (20230719)
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Bluff at north end of Smith Island (20230719)
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Liam and friend, Chris, me and Shep (20230719)
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Liam and friend, Shep, me and Darchelle (20230719)
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Tufted Puffin, Smith Island (20230719)
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Horned Puffin, Smith Island (20230719)
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Horned Puffin, Smith Island (20230719)
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Our Swifties (20230724)
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Our Swifties (20230724)
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Daniel and Caroline (20230724)
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Dinner together (20230724)
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Mill Creek Topo map (20230727)
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Mill Creek Satellite view (20230727)
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Starting up spur road 400 (20230727)
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Our rescuers (20230727)
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The deep ditch (20230727)
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FR 7300 on the moraine (20230727)
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View down the Icicle Creek Valley (20230727)
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Rat Creek burn after 29 years (20230727)
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Birding with Ed outside the AirBnB, Westport (20230804)
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Whale Tail, Westport offshore (20230804)
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Red-necked Phalaropes, Westport offshore (20230804)
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South Polar Skua, Grays Canyon offshore (20230804)
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Long-tailed Jaegers, Grays Canyon offshore (20230804)
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Pomarine Jaeger, Grays Canyon offshore (20230804)
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Feeding Albatrosses, Grays Canyon offshore (20230804)
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Black-footed Albatross, Grays Canyon offshore (20230804)
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Sabine's Gull, Grays Canyon offshore (20230804)
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Shearwaters and Storm-petrels, Westport offshore (20230804)
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Fork-tailed Storm-petrel, Grays Canyon offshore (20230804)
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Leach's Storm-petrel, Grays Canyon offshore (20230804)
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Adult Fork-tailed Storm-petrel, Grays Canyon offshore (20230804)
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With Tim on the return trip to port (20230804)
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My transportation crew (20230804)
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Our final scorecard for the trip (20230804)
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Bill reviewing the bird list (20230804)
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Birthday pastries and beer (20230820)
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Cedar River mouth (20230820)
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Caspian and Arctic Terns, Cedar River mouth (20230820)
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Sanderlings, Grayland Beach (20230820)
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Turkey Vultures, Grayland Beach (20230820)
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California Gull, Grayland Beach (20230820)
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Dune Flora, Midway Beach (20230820)
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Horned Lark, Midway Beach (20230820)
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Juvenile Common Nighthawk, Midway Beach (20230820)
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Red-breasted Nuthatch habitat?, Ravenna (20230821)
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Red-breasted Nuthatch, Ravenna (20230821)
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Red-breasted Nuthatch, Ravenna (20230821)
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KC, David and Karin (20230821)
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Supper on the deck (20230821)
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John, me, Tim and Mary (20230821)
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Monica's appetizers (20230821)
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Bar-tailed (center), Hudsonian (bottom center) and Marbled Godwits, Tokeland (20230823)
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Bar-tailed (bottom center) and Marbled Godwits, Tokeland (20230823)
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Laughing Gull, Tokeland (20230823)
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Hudsonian (bottom center) and Marbled Godwits, Tokeland (20230823)
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Willets (20230823)
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Common Tern, Olympia (20230823)
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Common Tern, Olympia (20230823)
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Common Tern, Olympia (20230823)
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Ruff, Channel Drive (20230830)
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Watching shorebirds at Channel Drive (20230830)
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Lesser Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpiper and Short-billed Dowitchers (20230830)
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Ross's Goose (center) with Snow Geese (20230831)
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Warbling Vireo, Fishhook Park (20230901)
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Orange-crowned Warbler, Fishhook Park (20230901)
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Tennesee Warbler, Fishhook Park (20230901)
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Hammond's Flycatcher, Washtucna (20230902)
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Hammond's Flycatcher, Washtucna (20230902)
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Hammond's Flycatcher, Washtucna (20230902)
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Wilson's Warbler, Washtucna (20230902)
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American Goldfinch, Washtucna (20230902)
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White-crowned Sparrow, Washtucna (20230902)
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Downy Woodpecker, Washtucna (20230902)
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Liam, Washtucna (20230902)
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Lewis's Woodpecker, S Gray Rd near Hooper (20230902)
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View east from Steptoe Butte (20230902)
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Cooper's Hawk, Steptoe Butte (20230902)
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Sunset from Steptoe Butte (20230902)
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Least Sandpiper, Ocean Shores (20230904)
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American Pipit, Ocean Shores (20230904)
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Pectoral Sandpiper, Ocean Shores (20230904)
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Supper with Kirsten, KC and David (20230904)
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Supper (20230904)
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Dessert (20230904)
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Helen's Pond, Sequim (20230907)
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Stilt Sandpiper and Long-billed Dowitchers, Helen's Pond (20230907)
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Black Merlin, Helen's Pond (20230907)
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Parasitic Jaeger, Fort Flagler (20230910)
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Black-bellied Plovers, Tulalip Spit (20230910)
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American Golden-Plover and Black-bellied Plover, Tulalip Spit (20230910)
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Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Hoquiam STP (20230913)
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Scoping for shorebirds, Eide Road (20230917)
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Pacific Golden-Plover, Hayton Reserve (20230917)
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Sooty Grouse, Slate Peak (20230917)
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Sharp-shinned Hawk, Washtucna (20230922)
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Sharp-shinned Hawk, Washtucna (20230922)
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Turkey Vultures, Washtucna (20230922)
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Turkey Vultures, Washtucna (20230922)
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Turkey Vultures, Washtucna (20230922)
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Broad-winged Hawk and Turkey Vultures, Washtucna (20230922)
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Broad-winged Hawk, Washtucna (20230922)
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Broad-winged Hawk and Turkey Vulture, Washtucna (20230922)
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Orange-crowned Warbler, Washtucna (20230922)
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Snyder Park, Washtucna (20230922)
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Common Yellowthroat, Washtucna (20230922)
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Back Yard, Ravenna (20230923)
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Selfie with David (20230923)
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Darchelle and Monica photo-bombed at dinner (20230923)
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Orange-crowned Warbler, Cape Disappointment SP (20230930)
2023 Q3 Journal  158 / 159
Greater White-fronted Goose, Long Beach (20230930)
2023 Q3 Journal  159 / 159
Waiting for coffee at Astoria Coffee Roasters (20230930)

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