I woke up grieving that I had been angry at Daniel, yelling at him and criticizing him for no
reason. As I thought of how he was such a trusting and helpful child, and how he would always
remember that his Daddy had called him stupid, I was filled with regret which was all the more
painful when I considered how I could not take back those words or undo the damage I had done.
There was more to the dream but I only remember those two scenes. Neither scene represents any
actual incident that I can recall, nor does the setting of the dream recall any actual location.
Nonetheless the feelings I felt in and about the dream are not completely unfamiliar. My regrets,
however vague and ill defined they are, center around how I devoted too little time with the boys,
paid too little attention to them, and failed to look for ways to involve them in what few practical
things I did around the house. Gardening though, is something that the boys and I did together,
each at our own level, and I think that they enjoyed it.
I regarded myself as selfish back then, more absorbed in my own interests than in my own children.
That is not really what the dream is about though. Prominent in the dream is my regret, and my anger,
and I don't know what that anger is about. Regret feels like a form of loss - loss of opportunity
perhaps, and particularly in this case, a loss of innocence. Daniel's innocence is manifested in
his unfamiliarity with pain and mine in my unfamiliarity with the anger within, and through my
expression of that anger both are lost.