Brian's Journal - A Dream Return

Angry at a little girl (3/06/2020)
I am in a full-sized blue van with Mom and Daniel and a very active little girl in a red dress. The van is not moving and has only one row of two seats behind the driver's and passenger seats. The cargo area behind the back seats is empty. Mom is standing behind the driver's seat, facing the back seat and I am sitting in the other back seat. Daniel is standing between the two back seats. The little girl jumps in the driver's seat then races back to the cargo area. Mom wants her to settle down so she grabs her as she runs by, picks her up and throws her down into the back seat. I am shocked by Mom's anger and I shout at her, "Don't do that to her! You are angry!" or something to that effect. It occurs to me that Mom might have treated me that way when I was little and I burst into tears, overwhelmed by sadness.
The little girl in the red dress seems to represent joy, or perhaps feelings in general, freely expressed and unconstrained by fear or thought. Mom represents a more analytical approach to life together with an aversion to the messiness and risk of unrestrained emotions. I have lived in tension between the two, always drawn to people who seem to feel freely but always fearful of pain and anger whether in myself or others. This dream appears to explore a source of that fear, though I cannot recall any incident even remotely similar to what it depicts.
FWIW the blue van places the dream in the same general time frame as the wool blanket in my dream on 2/24, the period after college when I was trying to become an adult. I traveled to fairs and sold Quick 'n Brite + cleaner out of a blue Econovan. The little girl is inspired by my niece Katie. Daniel again represents me.