
Four Americas + The Atlantic - George Packer (7/2021)
Impact of Social Networks + The Atlantic - Jonathan Haidt (5/2022)
Federal Government income vs expenditures + Washington Post - Department of Data (7/2023)
Poverty and Place in America + The Atlantic - Kathryn J. Edin et al (8/2023)
Christianity and right-wing politics Washington Post - Michael Gerson (9/2022)
Impact of Forced Birth laws + Washington Post - Jennifer Rubin (7/2022)
Fundamentalism and the Toxic Quest for Certainty + New York Times - David French (6/2023)
Types of Evangelicals + New York Times - David French (4/2024)
Death and Faith + The Atlantic - Timothy Keller (3/2021)
Why people leave religion + New York Times - Jessica Grose (7/2023)
Why Americans Stopped Attending Church + Jake Meador (7/2023)
Jung on happiness + The Atlantic - Arthur Brooks (4/2024)
Minimum population for civilization + New York Times - Paul Krugman (6/2022)
Obesity and calories + Washington Post - David S. Ludwig (7/2022)
Birding Central Park + New York Times - Christian Cooper (5/2023)
Nature Apps + Washington Post - Michael J Coren (4/2023)
Best Books of the past 125 years New York Times - Readers (12/2021)
Searing scallops Washington Post - Ann Maloney (3/2020)

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