Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Mt Aix trailhead, 19.5 miles E on Hwy 410 from Chinook Pass, then 13.5 miles up the Bumping Lake road, bear left on USFS road 1808 and go another 1.6 miles.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Inocybe? aka "Little Brown Mushroom". I liked the wavy cap margin. We saw several other species of mushrooms, Hygrophorus alba being the most conspicuous.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Yellow violet (Viola glabrella), the first flower I saw as we started up the trail.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Vanilla leaf (Achlys triphylla), aka "Sweet After Death". Tender nodding leaves ubiquitous in the woods. In flower already.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Big Douglas fir, probably over 300 years old.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Calypso orchid (Calypso bulbosa). I spent so long photographing these along the first half mile of the trail that Tim came back to see if I'd been eaten by a cougar.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Two Calypso orchids
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Tim waiting while I take yet another orchid photo.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
We lost the trail under snow around 5300' about a mile and a half from the trailhead so we scrambled up through the steep open woods. Lacking ice axes, we tried to avoid the snow as much as we could.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Glacier lily (Erythronium grandiflorum). Growing on a muddy (temporarily) gravelly open slope with Springbeauty. Glaciers could be seen in the distance on Mt Rainier.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Springbeauty (Claytonia lanceolata). Abundant on open gravelly slopes recently free of snow.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Mt Rainier from our lunch spot at 6400'. This photo was taken without the polarizing filter.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Same as previous but with the polarizing filter. I couldn't decide which I preferred so I included both so you can choose.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Approaching the crest of the ridge. The trees are probably subalpine fir. AT 6700' this is about at timberline; above this point winds scour the ridge clean of snow and trees other than whitebark pine krummholz.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Alpine flowers not yet blooming near the crest of the ridge.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
We thought this might be Mt Aix but no, Aix was another mile along the ridge. We settled for this, called it Mt Fakes. The bump near the summit is Tim.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Closeup of Tim with the real Mt Aix, 250' higher, in the background.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Mt Aix and me.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Looks like a mustard (Draba paysonii?) to me, fourmerous, superior ovary, yellow, early. Growing with Stonecrop here, phlox and alpine buckwheat elsewhere along the ridge.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Ladybugs had congregated on the summit rocks.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
The exact arrangement and pattern of spots appears to be unique on each individual ladybug.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Crag in snowfield
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Tim starting down the ridge
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Tim glissading down a snowfield
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Tim hiking down through the woods. We're still above where the trail disappeared under snow.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Coltsfoot (Petastites frigidus) leaves emerging. Common in the woods.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Tim back on the trail, hiking down. Patches of green vegetation are mostly coltsfoot.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Bulbous fir trunk.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Four-level overpass
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Fir log about 2' in diameter. Wood in the center is 175 years old.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Doug fir trunks and spring leaves.
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
New vine maple leaves
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Lady fern? beside a snowmelt stream
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
Trillium (Trillium ovatum) beside the same stream
Photos from hike up Mt Aix, Washington state, June 15, 2008
View of Mt Rainier above the White River from Hwy 410 west of Chinook Pass.

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